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The documentation of the api can be found in Api Docs page. This article defines the resources available in the Vcards integration API.

Access token

In order to access the API it is required having an accessToken. Once you have an accessToken you must include it in every request as a HTTP header

AccessToken: "AccessToken"

If you need to try different API calls you can do it from the same Api Docs page, by using the "authorize" button


Create a new tag

Screenshot from 2024-09-24 11-16-11.png

Creates a new tag in the team.


Name Type Description Required
skuname string SKUFull nameYes
collectionstringCollection code where the tag is createdYes
emailstringEmail related to the tagYes
phonestringPhone numberYes
positionobjectPosition of the tagYes
mobile-phonestringMobile phone numberYes
addressstringAddress of the tagYes
departmentstringDepartment of the tag Yes
  • sku: A string representing the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) used to identify the tag to be updated.
  • values: A JSON object containing the tag details. Each of the keys belongs to the slug of the field in the tag.

Request Body:

  • Media type: application/json
  • Example request body:
        "values": {
        "name": "Full name",
        "collection" : "2423AX23",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "+1234567890",
        "position": { 
          "en":  "CEO", 
          "es": "Director General" 
        "mobile-phone": "+1234567890",
        "address": "1234 Main St, City, Country",
        "department" : "Marketing"


201 - Success
  • Media type: application/json
  • Example response:
        "code": "BVHWSTMGL",
        "sku": "ABC000",
        "values": {
          "name": "Full name",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "phone": "+1234567890",
          "position": { 
            "en":  "CEO", 
            "es": "Director General" 
          "mobile-phone": "+1234567890",
          "address": "1234 Main St, City, Country",
          "department" : "Marketing"

Show tag detail

Retrieves tag details by the given SKU. The SKU is a unique reference for the tag.


Name Type Description Required
sku string SKU code Yes
  • sku: A string representing the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) used to retrieve specific tag details.


200 - Success
  • Media type: application/json
  • Example response:
        "code": "BVHWSTMGL",
        "sku": "ABC000",
        "values": {
          "name": "Full name",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "phone": "+1234567890",
          "position": { 
            "en":  "CEO", 
            "es": "Director General" 
          "mobile-phone": "+1234567890",
          "address": "1234 Main St, City, Country",
          "department" : "Marketing"
404 - Not Found
  • Description: Tag not found in the team for the given SKU.

Edit a tag

Updates the details of an existing tag identified by the SKU.


Name Type Description Required
sku string SKU code Yes
  • sku: A string representing the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) used to identify the tag to be updated.

Request Body:

  • Media type: application/json
  • Example request body:
      "code": "BVHWSTMGL",
      "sku": "ABC000",
      "values": {
        "name": "Full name",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "+1234567890",
        "position": { 
          "en":  "CEO", 
          "es": "Director General" 
        "mobile-phone": "+1234567890",
        "address": "1234 Main St, City, Country",
        "department" : "Marketing"


200 - Success

  • Media type: application/json

  • Example response:

        "code": "BVHWSTMGL",
        "sku": "ABC000",
        "values": {
          "name": "Full name",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "phone": "+1234567890",
          "position": { 
            "en":  "CEO", 
            "es": "Director General" 
          "mobile-phone": "+1234567890",
          "address": "1234 Main St, City, Country",
          "department" : "Marketing"
  • Description: Successful update of the tag.

Delete a tag