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Scan Cards

The Vcard card scanning feature, powered by artificial intelligence, allows users to capture information from business cards by taking a photograph with their smartphone. This streamlines the exchange of information and the establishment of contacts at trade shows, meetings, and networking events.

How to access this feature?

To use this feature, users must log in to their Vcard account. The team administrator must send a welcome email to Vcards, where the user will receive a link to create their account. Then the user will be able to see the Contact Scanning section in the Vcard menu. For more details on the login process, refer to the following article: Send Vcards to your employees.

¿Cómo escanear una tarjeta?

  1. Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Vcard.
  2. Accede a tu cuenta y selecciona la sección "Escaneo de tarjetas".
  3. Toma una fotografía de la tarjeta que deseas escanear.
  4. Sube la foto y/o añade cualquier comentario adicional.
  5. La información de contacto de la tarjeta se guardará directamente en tu cuenta de Vcard.

Artificial Intelligence Vcards Scan Contacts.gif